This web site stays with the shopping convention of most web shops, choose your main category from the drop down menu above, then choose you sub category.
E.g. Evo-Collection > Evo-Rib
You will then be show a page with all of the products in that category, you can choose between grid and list view. We recommend grid view as the easiest to view our floor covering products. In grid view you can add products to a compare list so that for example you could view similar colours together on the same page.
When you click an individual product you will be taken to its page where you will find a longer description and in the case of cut floor covering products there will be a calculator. This tool has been provided to help you order the correct amount of a product for your job. It knows how wide each roll is and entering the length you require in linear meters will return the sq.m amount that you need to order. Within this tool there is also the option to add extras such as underlay or protective polythene, the tool will add the correct amount to your order, where a product option is only available in pre-determined quantities, such as the underlay, the tool will work out the nearest multiple and add that for you. You then add to cart as per the normal conventions of online shopping.
When you come to checkout you will only be able to do so with an account, if you already have one you will need to login at this point, if not you will need to create one. The checkout process has been simplified into steps with instructions guiding you through the process.
Once you have paid you will receive a confirmation that the website has taken your order, as per our ‘terms and conditions of website orders’ this isn’t confirmation that your order has been accepted by our sales team. When the order is received the team will check that we can indeed fill your order and provide you with your goods when requested. If this is not the case, they will be in touch with you.
If you have any further queries about your order, please contact the sales team with your website order number to discuss.